Content Marketing - Getting Your Content Published

Content marketing is a great way to build brand awareness and an audience. In this course, public relations expert Andrea Holland explains how to get your content published in the right media for your business. Get tips and practical techniques for identifying outlets, conducting media outreach, and getting your content featured in important publications. Andrea shares secrets based on over a decade in the field—including advice for pitching your stories. Plus, Andrea shares a few tips on how to write with a PR lens and create stories that get publications to take notice—and start calling you for content.

Learning objectives

  • Define the target audience.
  • Examine the best ways to uncover what publications want.
  • Explore the best ways to brainstorm content ideas.
  • Identify how to create your abstract for the media.
  • Determine the best ways to follow up with reporters.
  • Explore the fundamentals of drafting content publications will accept.

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